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Corporate Social Responsibility

As pursuing excellence in our legal service and self-development, we also bear in mind the duty of contributing to the society, so we actively shoulder our social responsibilities in various fields of pro bono legal services, education and poverty alleviation, disaster relief, legal talents training, economic development, etc.

Enthusiastic about pro bono legal services

We have always been enthusiastic about public welfare, providing legal advisory services to specific groups and organizations, rendering legal aids to parties in financial difficulties or special cases, and participating in opinion gathering activities of legislation, public policy or judicial interpretation, etc.

Ready to help the underprivileged by education and give a hand to disaster victims

‘Education paves the way for poverty alleviation’, so we help families in need by assisting their children in schooling.
‘Disaster can be brutal yet society is humane’. As a member of the society, we care about those hit by disaster and act quickly to make donations whenever we are needed.

Devoted to the cultivation of legal talents

‘Teaching fishing is more helpful than giving fish.’ For recruitment, we aim to bring in outstanding graduates and try to train them into legal professionals of both ability and integrity.

Contributing to the economy

While representing and serving foreign-owned or private enterprises, we try to render comprehensive and high-quality legal services, and strive for a fair and favorable legal and business environment.